As I sit here at the table trying to relay our afternoon in my head, my thoughts are continually interrupted by the neighbor's serenading tunes. This is not unusual. We hear a lot of loud music, loud dogs, and loud people on loudspeakers selling fruit! The fruit man sounds something like this, "Mangoooooooo, Papayaaaaaaaaa, Naranjaaaaaaaa" in a scary robotic tone and he circles our block ALL day long... just ask my dad about it :)
So we live in town and although we wouldn't have it any other way (we love being able to walk most anywhere) life in the country sounds awfully tempting!
On that side note, we had a busy afternoon of baby washing. I think we may have had more kids than we've had so far. We had money donated to purchase another tent which was a huge relief. There is one tent for washing the babies, but we desperately needed another tent to put all the clothes in and to change the babies in. In the weeks past, we have been bombarded by aggressive mothers demanding that we put certain clothes on their kids. It's a bit nerve wracking to say the least. I can't express how thankful I am to finally have a tent to hide all the clothes in. Today, was a piece of cake dressing the kids and we made great time!
Some of the older kids waiting to get their hair washed.
Inside of the clothing tent.
View from clothing tent of the baby washing tent.
And yes, that's a baby in the blanket on that lady's back!
Clean and as cute as can be!
Well back to my lovely serenade! I am trying so hard not to laugh- this man is not the least bit talented in the music department but he is trying so I gotta give him a little credit ;) I love living in a foreign country... life is never dull! Did I mention a drunk man sat on me last week?

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