I know a lot of you are probably tired of hearing about Haiti (and now with the earthquake in Chile as well) but really... imagine if that was you right now? Imagine if those were your children suffering?
Haiti is a difficult place. I've been there. I've seen the extreme poverty. I've NEVER seen poverty like that before. Bolivia doesn't even compare to the despair and poverty in Haiti. But now... the country has been completely turned upside down. Is it possible to go below rock bottom?
My heart breaks for the children, the people, the country and I pray that this might be a time of revival. A time of great awakening in the lives of these hurting people.
I will never forget the summer of 03'. I had just graduated from high school and I so desperately wanted to help in an orphanage overseas. Somehow I chose Haiti or God chose Haiti for me and wow were my eyes opened. Terrified at times? Yes. There was so much spiritual warfare I felt like I could barely gasp for air.
I stood out like a marshmallow in a cup of hot chocolate.
However, when I arrived at the orphanage I felt at home. Not because it was comfy... quite the contrary, cockroaches plagued the house and we were only fed one meal a day, but because I knew God had called me there for a reason. He wanted to work on my heart. He wanted me to love as He loves. He wanted me to trust Him fully and to be willing to risk everything for Him.
Loving on the babies was right up my alley and I didn't mind all the spit up and head lice. But the thing that tore me apart the most was knowing that each of those kids and babies went to bed every night without a kiss from their mommy or daddy, without the reassurance that someone was watching over them, and without the joy of knowing that someone would always be there to love them.
Wow, just look at those beautiful children. How can we not help? How can we act like everything is okay when really it's not. Let's open our arms, our hearts, and our homes to children in need!

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