Since we don't have "snow days" due to a lack of cold weather and snow, school is cancelled when there is a paro or a bloqueo. Today there is a paro and boy was Chris happy! A paro is a local transportation strike where all the trufi drivers (city bus drivers) refuse to drive to make a point.
Today, they are striking because many of the flota drivers (the long distance bus drivers) continue to drink and drive on the job and are rarely penalized for doing so. The windy, narrow roads are dangerous enough- add in a drunk driver and things get lethal.
One of the world's most dangerous roads- Bolivia
All across town buses are parked blocking off all of the major streets. There is no public transportation so all the schools are closed and most businesses too. It's so peaceful and quiet and has been so fun for Olivia and I to have Chris home for the day. We even walked to get some of favorite Bolivian food- salteñas :)

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