Friday, April 16, 2010

Madly in love.

More of the "famous" three!
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Olivia wasn't too sure about the babies.
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Can I take this cutie home with me?
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The calmest baby I have ever met... and she's been this way since she was a newborn!
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Olivia had fun playing with the other toddlers- all 20 of them!
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When Olivia was younger, we could never get her chubby thighs to fit in the "bumbo" seat, but somehow today she managed to snuggle right in.
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  1. Hi Erin! I found your blog via FB. It's always fun to see what others say about our babies and their pics. That's a great one of you with the trips, by the way!
    Till soon, Jen :)

  2. Thanks! I had to get a pic with the 3... it's just once in a lifetime opportunity, no!? They are beyond adorable by the way! I'm incredibly jealous that your room is just steps away from theirs! :)

  3. P.S. Did you notice Olivia stole F's bumbo seat? Olivia wasn't too keen on sharing either! Oh my, I think she needs some other kids in her life!! ;)
