Monday, April 19, 2010

Simple encouragement.

We love living in Bolivia really we do. Now only if we could convince our family and friends to join us- life would be splendid!

Our hearts are here and we know this is where God has called us, but this road doesn't come without a few bumps.

When we moved to Bolivia last July, we had anticipated opening our home to foster kids. We found out soon after that this would not be an option for us our first year here. We were both completely devastated but took it as an opportunity to trust God. He knew why this door had closed and He would open it again in His timing.

Well, we are beginning to see the door cracking open ever so slightly. Now it's not hard to find kids who need a home, but we want God's wisdom in all of this,

Tomorrow, we are going to look at a house that will be available to rent in July. It is spacious, perfect for more kids, and is in a great location (wonderful since we don't have a car!). We are a little hesitant to rent a house as safety then becomes something to think about. Right now, we live in a very safe walled compound with a guard who sits on watch and a German shepherd inside in case our guard happens to fall asleep (which unfortunately happens more often than not!), but if we moved to a house this would not be the case. Many missionaries here have had their homes broken into at least once if not twice or more. It is common, but even so I'd rather not experience it! Please pray for us as we look into some different housing possibilities.

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On Sunday, after church, we chatted with some friends of ours who have 8 foster children (all under the age of 7) and 4 biological children. They are in the process of adopting 3 of their foster kids, which is beyond wonderful! However, once they do so they will no longer be allowed to foster, leaving 5 children without a home. Is God opening this door for us? PLEASE pray for God's wisdom and clear direction in our lives at this time.

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Is God opening the door for you to care for the orphaned? There aren't just kids in need of loving homes in 3rd world countries. You'd be surprised how many kids are in foster care in your state. Check it out. Read the facts. Choose to help.

Even if you can't become a foster parent there are countless ways you can help.

Simple ways to encourage foster families:
  • Offer to babysit so that the parents can get away for the evening (you may need special permission to do this so look into it first).
  • Buy a bag of groceries and leave them on their door with a note saying how much you appreciate them and what they do!
  • If you're a handyman ask if they need anything fixed. Leaky roof? Squeaky dishwasher? Car in need of an oil change?
  • Offer to cook dinner and drop it by.
  • Donate clothes and toys.
  • Provide a listening ear.
  • Pray for their family often.
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Friday, April 16, 2010

Madly in love.

More of the "famous" three!
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Olivia wasn't too sure about the babies.
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Can I take this cutie home with me?
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The calmest baby I have ever met... and she's been this way since she was a newborn!
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Olivia had fun playing with the other toddlers- all 20 of them!
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When Olivia was younger, we could never get her chubby thighs to fit in the "bumbo" seat, but somehow today she managed to snuggle right in.
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Monday, April 5, 2010

Thank you for "bare-ing" with us!

Lately, we have felt like we are barely hanging on. All of our electronics have started going haywire! Our Internet, TV, and cell phone started malfunctioning last week along with our toilet! Now, we can survive without the first three, but the last I'm not so sure about. I'd rather use our indoor plumbing than squat in the middle of the road even if it is common here!

Fun fact: Did you know that we can't put toilet paper down the toilet?? Yep, we have to put it in a little bucket next to the toilet. YUCK!
Yesterday, was election day and on this day motorized vehicles are not allowed. Do you find that ironic that election day just happened to be on Easter?? Basically no one could go to church unless they lived close enough to walk. Fortunately for us, we usually walk to church so we were still able to go. Usually there are around 300 people at the service and yesterday there were only about 30 or so. The reason for not allowing motorized vehicles is that during elections they don't want things to get out of control. We're grateful that the elections yesterday were very peaceful.
Last week, Olivia had a play-date with 3 of the younger kids from CDA III. They were excited to play with new toys and she was excited to have someone to play with! Although my house was a complete disaster in the short four hours they were here, I absolutely loved having them over.

This sweet little girl A. came to CDA when I was a volunteer there three years ago. Wow has she grown! Despite some serious medical issues, she is such a fighter and a real sweetie.
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Picnic time on the lawn
(I thought it might be easier to have our dog clean up for us!)
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After church we enjoyed a BBQ outside (the weather was beautiful!)
with a great group of friends.
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"But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
I Cor. 15:57-58

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Please bare with us!

Our Internet has been down for days now... sorry for the lack of posts lately! We have lots to share :) We'll post once we get the Internet up and running more steadily.

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