I had a wonderful birthday Thursday and so Friday I was caught off guard when I walked into our dark apartment and was bombarded by "SURPRISE!!!!" followed by lots of confetti and balloons! Here are a few shots from our fun evening.
Olivia trying out the princess party hat.
Our Bolivian friends slaved away all afternoon making "Pique Macho" a favorite Bolivian dish.
"Pique Macho" consists of potato fries, beef, hard boiled eggs, tomatoes, onions, hot peppers in which you lather it all in ketchup along with mustard and mayonnaise if you're Bolivian ;)
One of my best friends Michell and I showing our big plates of Pique.
Pinata in the dark!
Olivia loved playing with the 1,000+ little confetti balls that were scattered through the entire apartment! Thankfully everyone helped clean up before they left :)
My awesome brother-in-law Spencer, blew up over 100 balloons, they literally covered the entire living room floor and then some. We decided to play pictionary on the balloons by guessing whose face was on the balloon.

After the party we weren't sure what to do with all the balloons so we decided to sneak them all into our friend's apartment while they were out.

Their kitchen was covered in balloons. Late that night when they got home we could hear them popping balloons until 11:30pm. We're pretty sure they decided to start popping them so late to get back at us ;)